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Wine Village culture -Domaine de L酒庄文化---罗斯达布兰克酒庄

  作者:Shentop  时间:2011年06月16日  浏览次数:1926 次

Domaine de L'Oustal Blanc,Minervois(O)
Claude Fonquerie used to play rugby and his wines represent his life; they are larger than life and if they could sing , they would do so with his marvellous, warm accent . A love of his region and the generous wines it can produce is unique and his meticulous work in the vineyard and in the cellar is the living proof of the Languedoc's immense potential . There are no shortcurs here; during the harvest the bunches are first selected at the vineyard and again berry by berry when they reach the cellar. The best cuvees are fermented in small , open-top barrels as in Priorat, resulting in extremely intense and rich , almost black , wines which need a few years fully to express their potential .

Claude Fonquerie 过去是一名橄榄球运动员,他的酒正代表了他的人生,酒胜于生活中的一切,如果酒可以唱歌,他们的歌声一定是同样美妙而温暖的。对于这片土地的热爱使他的酒独一无二,他辛勤的劳作得到的回报是,他的酒成为活得证据证实他的无限的潜力。在这里没有捷径,所有的种子和果实都在酿成美酒前被层层筛选。最好的酒实在很少,顶部打开的桶中进行发酵,酿出的酒口感丰润醇美,颜色几乎为黑色,一般需要一定的年份来证明他们的潜力。

Shentop wine cooler-----wine village culture -----Minervois 

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